Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Airplane travel tip

Since there will be a lot of you traveling by air this holiday here is a tip for you. Always make sure when you make your airline reservation to be sure that you get a seat number assigned for all traveling in your party. If the seat you want is not available, take whatever is available even if it is a center seat and you are not seated with your traveling companions. You can always try to change when you get to the airport. By having a seat assignment before you get to the airport you will most likely not be one of the unlucky ones on an overbooked flight that has to be told there are no more seats left to assign. As a retired airline Customer Service Agent I strongly suggest this. Please get to the airport early, early, early because you never know how long the lines will be at the counter or in security. You don't want to miss your flight because you are hung up in one of those outrageously long lines. Also, if you can, print your boarding passes before you leave home. If the flight is overbooked, you have your boarding pass and the agents are looking for volunteers so they can give someone who has been the unlucky one without a seat assignment, and you decide to give up yours for the compensation offered - make sure that you get a confirmed reservation for the next available flight (with a seat assignment and boarding pass). Don't let that plane take off without you without you getting a confirmed seat assignment on another flight. If they have to put you on another carrier, make sure that it is a definite confirmation and you are not on an overbooked flight. Unless they can get you a definite seat assignment on that carrier. Also, make sure that you call the airline to reconfirm your flight.

I am still in Thanksgiving recuperative mode and today was another lazy day. I was going to go and visit my mother with my sister, Marcy. But, my kitchen faucet hose got a leak in it over the weekend and Bill picked today to take care of it. I had to work with him in trying to get the stupid hose out, then go to the home repair store and then back home to work some more on getting the hose out. The only thing I was really doing, though, was holding the flashlight for him because I do not know how to do any of that stuff. Chris can do all of that home repair stuff. Chris and I talked for awhile this morning and then again this afternoon for a bit. Now it's off to bed for me. I have to go grocery shopping in the morning. Wednesday is the day for the senior citizen discounts at the grocery stores and I am one senior citizen that wants all the discounts that I can get!

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