Sunday, March 15, 2009


In today's economy we all have to really be as frugal as possible. In my house with just Bill, Marcy & I a loaf of bread sometimes goes fast & then sometimes it sits there for awhile. Even when I buy the smaller loaf. If it is not stale, stale but a little not as spongey as I like it, I make the sandwich and put it in the microwave for a quick zap. I remember when microwaves first came out, I would eat nothing but heated sandwiches for the longest time. Now I'm doing it again. Since I am trying to diet I am not eating many sandwiches these days, though. But, I just happened to think this is one tip that can save people a little bit of money. We do it, too, with leftover biscuits and garlic bread. Just moisten a paper towel and place over the bread on a microwaveable plate and microwave a few seconds. Nice and soft again!

Yesterday Bill went with the Knights to donate wheelchairs to vets at the V.A. that they volunteer at. CNN showed the donating today. Pretty neat.

Last night we went to the Knights St. Patrick's Day party & had a good time. The food was good, company great & rocking d.j. What more could you want? Maybe a younger or more in shape body? I don't exercise, but, sure got a workout last night! Bill hasn't danced much in a few years since he has had his medical problems. The music finally got to him and he got up & he really danced. Earlier one of the women had seen me bouncing around at my table because one of my favorite songs "That Old Time Rock & Roll" came in. She came over and said her husband loved to dance and would I dance with him if he came over when another song came on. I said sure & he did & was I tired after we got done! I finally got Bill up & we danced a lot. We both were exhausted when we left & are just relaxing today. We went to Golden Corral after church so I don't have to worry about cooking today! Now I am just resting and checking the web. I haven't even ChaCha'ed today.

Have a great evening and week!

Friday, March 13, 2009


I am still recovering from my bout with bronchitis and my appetite hasn't fully returned. No big deal since I really need to lose weight. However, yesterday after Bill and I went to Bible Study we went past Arby's to use our coupons for a free roastburger which are so delicious. I had eaten a bit of pizza before we went to church which I shouldn't have since I wasn't really hungry by the time we got home. Bill had an endoscopy done that morning so he just ordered a milkshake. Greedy me orders the roastburger and curly fries. My drink is still sitting in the fridge with my sandwich. And I can't eat the sandwich today since it is Friday! Oh, well. So goes life. Now for the next few weeks I have to think of different ways to fix fish on Fridays during Lent.

Today I am going to make some catfish bits for dinner. I'm not going to fry them, though. I will season them and let them sit in the fridge for awhile. Then I will brush them with mayo & roll them in mashed potato flakes & parmesan or mixed Italian cheeses. Or I just roll in the potato flakes & sprinkle the cheese on. Depends on what I feel like at the time. I line a pan with aluminum foil and spray or brush with olive oil. Then I place the fish in the pan and put in a 400 degree oven for 15 minutes or until the fish flakes. I'm not following a particular recipe, but, remember that I made this a couple of times before and my family liked it.

Tomorrow Bill is going with some of the Knights from his Council to donate wheelchairs to the V.A. hospital that they do volunteer work at. He is a 4th Degree Knight & will be wearing the 4th Degree regalia that they wear as the color guard. Later that evening we will go to a St. Patrick's day party at the Knight's hall. Bill really enjoys being a part of the Knights.

I have been resting and ChaCha'ing since I got up this morning. Trying to get rid of these old cold feelings that keep plaguing me. Marcy and Chris keep having problems, too. Luckily, Bill hasn't been as bothered. Well, now I better go figure what else I will fix for dinner. When I was growing up we always had mac & cheese & fried fish or salmon croquettes (my dad made the best!) and we loved it! Sunday dinners was always fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green peas (we called them sugar peas) and biscuits. But, I digress! I better get to thinking about today's dinner. Have a fantastic day!

Monday, March 2, 2009


I heard about someone doing this a long time ago and thought it was a great idea. For some reason, everytime I think of it Bill Cosby comes to mind. So maybe I heard or saw something about him saying this.

Anyhow, it is always hard for me to give someone directions to my home from the Interstate because there are so many twists and turns. I know others must have the same problem. A good remedy for this is to drive the route and have an audio recorder on. Describe what you are doing - what turns you make, road you are on, places or buildings you pass, etc. Do this all the way to your home. Transfer this to a dvd & send it to someone when they are going to need directions to your home if you have time. If you have a webcam, you can relay the info to it and email it. Pretty simple, huh? To tell you the truth, I have not done this yet, but, it is such a great idea. Each time someone comes to visit and gets lost, I think of it. The last one was my sister-in-law Kim who was visiting from AZ. What made it even worse is that she was traveling at night and a lot of the roads here have no street lights. When my brother, Andy, visits he makes sure he is here before it gets dark because it really gets dark! I have to get around to making that dvd myself!

I've been enjoying talking by video calls to my brother in Arizona and my niece in the Netherlands by Skype. The really great thing is that computer to computer it is free! Boy, this technical age is so awesome!

Have a great day! This is going to be a lazy day for me since I have decided to do nothing for the next 2 days to give my body a chance to heal. I will be doing my ChaCha (yep, I am still making a little ChaCha money) and watching t.v.