Friday, November 27, 2009


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We had a great one and great food. It is great having a large family and having them be here together for a happy occasion. We had four turkeys = 2 fried and 2 roasted with 2 different stuffings. There was plenty family and plenty food. We will be doing our annual trek to the Chitlin' Strut in Salley SC. This year there will be a chitlin' eating contest handled by the World League of Champion Eaters. I believe that is the correct name. The World Champion eater will be in the contest plus three other ranking competition eaters. My nephew, Demetrius, is also going to be in the contest so we will all be there cheering him on.

Bill is still recuperating from his surgery and having a lot of pain. I will be so glad when he is through all of this. I will, also, be glad when Chris is back in town because I sure miss her being here.

Check out my brother Andy's blog. Especially check out the 5 postings entitled Why I Am A God-Fearing, Gun-Toten, Conservative-Capitalist, American Patriot! If you feel so inclined, leave a comment on his blog for these.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi All
It's been a long time since I have been on the blog. I just want to wish good life and better days to come for all.
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving and a safe one. I am off to see family and will return on the 1st. I know that Jackie will keep you all informed on the doings the next couple of weeks.
She is a real friend and has a lot on her mind these days. Please pray that all our families, may they have good health and peace of mind.


I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week already! We will have the family that can make it here for dinner and I am looking forward to it. Bill had shoulder surgery a week ago, but, he said it would be okay to still have the dinner here. He had to have surgery because last month he fell as we were going into the building for our bible study group. He blacked out for a second and fell off of the stoop. In doing so, he chipped a bone in his shoulder and messed up his rotator cuff. Thank God, he didn't mess up his back surgery that he had done in April. He is pretty sore, but, surviving as he calls it. Dominique and I try to make him as comfortable as possible.

Here's a little tip that I got from my sister-in-law, Annie. Get some tamarind seasoning or soup mix which is a powder. Sprinkle it on chicken with some other seasonings like garlic or onion powder. Bake it in the oven and save yourself some calories by baking instead of frying. It is delicious. I, also, like to line my grill with aluminum foil that has been oiled & then grill the chicken on that. Delicious!

Well, I have to go get ready to take Bill to his therapy session. Have a great day!