Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Luckily our little part of the world was not hit by any of the tornadoes on Saturday. However, we did get a lot of rain and wind. Marcy and I went back to the flea market with our wares on Sunday. Things were slow, but, we still did good. Tamika, Marcy's daughter, came out and brought us some breakfast and stayed with us for the rest of the day. She is a good saleslady, too! Later that afternoon Bill, Sue and Darionna came out and stayed with us until we packed up. We wanted to go by and see the model home for the home that Tamika is having built. It is gorgeous. On the way there we got stuck in traffic on the interstate for about an hour. By the time I got back to Sue's home I was too tired to drag out my laptop. That night Bill and I sat up with Sue and Otis and had a lot of laughs. We came home yesterday, but, after the drive and cooking dinner my brain was not alert enough to compose my thoughts to put here.

Today Bill went for his checkup with his oncologist. The report was great and the numbers from his lab work from last week look great. Nothing has changed since he first had to see the doctor in 2006. He goes back to see him in six months. After that we went to drop a hammer off to Dennis that he left when he came to fix our wall. Then we went to see my mom who is slowly slipping away. She can't talk anymore, but, sometimes tries to. She, also, sleeps a lot. That is all the regression for the latter stage of Alzheimer's. It is so sad. My brother, Ricky, and my sister-in-law, Annie, are phenomenal with her care. They are the reason that she has lasted this long.
This weekend we are going to have Easter dinner on Saturday. Sue and Roxy had both said they might come here this weekend to see my mother. I figured we could just plan to have Easter dinner here and those who had to work Monday would not have to worry about traveling late on Sunday. Andy will be arriving on Sunday evening and I am so looking forward to seeing him.

Chris comes home today. Yayyyyyy!! She will be writing here in the next couple of days. Now I am going to go back to getting the house ready for this weekend. Have a great night!!

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