Sunday, August 10, 2008


Well, I'm back. I don't know what bug had me this time, but, it had me good. The last day that I lay there trying to recover my strength and good sense, I had to end up in the ER with Bill. He tried to do something by himself that would have been fine if he was several years younger and in better shape. He took a terrible fall, but, is okay. He just has to remember that he is a few months from 70 and has had several strokes, diabetes, neuropathy and gout.
This is a little recipe that I got from a magazine. It had no measurements so it is an "as you please". It all depends on how much you want to make. Mix the crabmeat with cream cheese. I bought a pound of shelled claw meat. The amount of cream cheese you use depends on how creamy you want it to be. I put some of the mixture into seeded jalapenos. You can either slice them in half lengthwise and stuff each half. Or you can slit a jalapeno down the middle, seed it and stuff. We did the halved way. I then put them under the broiler until they browned a little. You can even put them on a grill covered with aluminum foil. An extra little tip is one from Ricky. Drink milk to cool the fire in your mouth if there is any. It works. We tried it! Have a great night!!!

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