Wednesday, May 21, 2008


One thing I think everyone should try to remember to show your love for your friends, loved ones, acquaintances or whomever. The time comes too quickly and it is too late to do it or you missed the opportunity to do it. I think no matter what, though, you always feel like there could have been a little more shown.

I am trying to get back on track and start "blogging" again. I have been busy with "life", but, I will find time for this. I enjoy doing it and it's a stress releaser.

We were down to one dog since we had to have Lady put to sleep the week after Mommy passed. However, we now have Mommy's little Cosmo who is a precious little toy poodle that thrives on being cuddled. Bill LOVES dogs and he is loving it. We might be taking in another little one that is a miniature dachshund that my niece has and can't keep. Right away when she said she might have to give it away Bill;s eyes lit up and he said we would take it. Those two with our little shih tzu, Hershey, will be a sight to see together all cuddled up with Bill.

Now I am going to go to bed early since I have to get up early to get Bill to the dentist at 8 a.m. He is having some teeth pulled and has to have a good breakfast before he goes. So I have to get up to cook it for him or he would never make it on time. Have a great night!!

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