Monday, April 21, 2008


My life has been hectic and full to say the least. Because of it all I have not been online too much. Everything going on from trying to get taxes together for the 4/15 deadline, my stepmother having breast cancer surgery and now my poor mother in her final days. We have been by her bedside since Saturday knowing the time is coming anytime now. Alzheimer's has finally taken it's toll on her. Chris gave me a beautiful angel the other day that is on the tray table by her bed. Chris, also, came over to visit and to bring some food for us. She lives the next street over and is available for us to call if and when we might need something. Ricky and Annie are absolutely fantastic with our mother. Roxy came Saturday with Rikki and Jarritte. Marcy and I will go home and shower and change and come right back over.

Wednesday Marcy and I drove to be with Marie, our stepmother, for her surgery. She is amazing and came through with flying colors and is doing great. In fact, we said we are going to get her a t-shirt with a big W on it for Wonder Woman. Since she was doing so good we came back home that evening. Her cousins were, also, there with her. Plus, my granddaughter, Tamisha, came to the hospital after work and stayed until we left. Ricky surprised her and drove there to give her a hug and kiss before she went to the hospital and rushed back home to be be with our mother. Rick's son, Phil, drove her and her cousins to the hospital and he stayed until he had to pick his kids up from school. He was back the next day to take her home. As you can tell, she means a lot to us, also.

Yesterday because of mom's condition, Sue, Otis, Tamisha, Quentin, Quentin, Jr., Tamika, Darionna, Will, Jackee, Irwin, Dominique, Tyler & Phil came. Bill came back over after church. Sean, Taliyah and Davon had stayed overnight like Marcy, Roxy, Rikki, Jarritte and I.

My sweet aunt, Irene, who reads this everyday sent me some tips that I am going to put on here later today if things go okay. After I go home and come back I will get back online and put in the tips. I hope you all have a great day. Please include my family in your prayers.

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