I was going through a cook book for today's sauce recipe and found these general safety kitchen tips that I wanted to pass along...............
#1. Keep poisonous cleaners in a separate cabinet and not under a sink. Even a locked cabinet can be opened by a curious child. You might have to store them above but it is worth the inconvenience.
#2. Don't fight a grease fire with water. Keep an all purpose fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Keep lid from pan handy when frying in oil. Any flare-ups can be smoother by the lid.
#3. Don't let knives or pots handles stick over the edge of a stove or counter top. They can easily be knocked over or pulled off by a child or adult. ( This one happened to a friend with a hot coffee pot and their child ) I know once our children move away we tend to forget these safety tips.
#4. If you cannot get control of any fire, immediately get out of the house! Your life and the life of others are always more important.
I know we all know these tips but it doesn't hurt to go through them again.
HAVE A GREAT AND SAFE DAY.................
Our Reluctance (We cannot Impress God)
Max Lucado August 22, 2014 http://www.Maxlucado.com Perhaps the most
amazing response to God’s gift is our reluctance to accept it. We feel
better if we ea...
10 years ago
People should read this.