Monday, January 28, 2008


Jackie's new dish was a big hit. We had a great time laughing and picking on the guys.
This recipe is from 1963 and still holds up for a simple and easy gravy.
Remove cooked meat from the pan. Pour off most of the fat, keeping about a tablespoon per cup for flavor. Add 1 cup of stock, either chicken or beef depending on the meat you set aside. Cook over medium heat and scrape the bottom of the pan to get all the meat juices. Remove from heat. In a measuring cup, mix 1 cup of stock with 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. Whisk this mixture well and you will have a smooth gravy. Whisk this mixture into your pan and cook and stir until thickened. Season to taste. For browner gravy, add gravy color. Simmer for 5 minutes and serve hot.
I know this is an old way and we have all those package gravy's. I just thought you might want to see what we can do with natural meat juices.
Take time for yourself today and have a good laugh with someone. I know I felt better yesterday laughing with friends or even at myself.

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