Monday, March 24, 2008


My weekend was very full and busy so I had no time to get online. I had a house full of family and I spent Saturday cooking and then Marcy and I went to church at 7:30pm and didn't get out until after 10:00pm. I ate my dinner when I came home. Sunday I got up and cooked brunch for those left. After brunch everyone left went over to visit with our mom, Ricky and Annie. Bill, Marcy and I went over, too. When we came back I finished cleaning the kitchen which included mopping a very dirty ceramic tile floor. At that point I made the decision that now shoes will be removed when anyone comes to my home. I had totally cleaned the floors before everyone came and when they left my floors were filthy. I figure why exasperate myself with this anymore. Now shoes are to be removed. It's done at Ricky and Annie's home and their floors always look great. Besides I am only one person trying to keep this big house clean. I am going to send an email out to the family so this won't come as a shock to them when and if they come back to visit.

I am sad to say that Andy was not able to come due to health reasons. I really am disappointed, but, I understand. He and I are usually in contact several times a day by phone or text messaging, but, it's not the same as being with him. Bill and I are still planning on going to visit Andy and Genelle when we can. One good thing is that our mom has been a little more communicative the last several days. Andy was able to talk to her when Ricky put the phone to her ear and she responded.

Bill and I finally got to see and hold our beautiful great-granddaughter. It was a hectic weekend, but, it was filled with familial love. I wouldn't have it any other way!! Have a great day!!!!

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