Monday, March 31, 2008


Roses are very hardy. I myself, like the tea roses and plan on adding a picture to the blog, as soon as they show off with flowers. Today a well known garden expert said; " do not fertilize roses until they show their leaves ". Also do not water the leaves if possible, water at the base. Roses in my opinion need 1-2 inches of water per plant, a week. If you keep the leaves somewhat dry, black spots will stay away and keep the plant healthy. I am not a plant expert but these tips have been working for me. I also like to prune the rose bush a couple times a year and remove all woody ( dried out ) branches.
Being outside and enjoying the growth of what you planted is very rewarding to me. Have fun and experiment. We all learn from our mistakes. Well sometimes.............

Sunday, March 30, 2008


One of our best repellents we have found is to rub on Avon Skin-So-Soft. Bill even puts some in a spray bottle with a little water and spritzes it on for protection when he is outside working. It's really good when we go to the drive-in theater and are sitting outside. It has a good smell, too.

Chris was right about Marcy. She is going to walk the Cancer Relay for Life with her problem foot. Cancer has been such an awful culprit to our family that she feels she has to. My siblings and I are even in an ongoing study that the NHI is doing for multiple myeloma. I give Marcy a lot of credit. If you would like to donate to her effort, you can use the link If you would just like to donate to the American Cancer Society, please don't hesitate to go to their website and do so. We lost our grandmother, our dad and one of our brothers to MM. One of our aunts died from possibly MM when I was a young teenager. We lost one of our sisters to colon cancer. One of our brothers has had esophageal cancer and is still plagued with the side effects of that. Like Chris said her family has been set upon by this awful disease. A very good friend of ours has battled with breast cancer. Another very good friend died from lymphoma. I could go on and on but I wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of you reading this that have had this ugly monster raise it's head somewhere in your life. You know what I mean when I say we have to find something or some way to combat this. Every little bit helps and is appreciated!

Yesterday Marcy, her 2 grandchildren and I went to a local flea market to check it out to see if we would like to do business there sometime. We found that we would and are looking forward to it. After we left there, I stopped at a supermarket to get the fixings for a surprise meal for Bill. He worked longer and harder Friday than he has worked since he had his strokes. I wanted to let him know that I noticed and really appreciated it. He loves steak with blue cheese on top so I fixed that for him. He is not supposed to eat red meat because of gout possibly flaring up, but, we took a chance. I, also, boiled some shrimp in beer with great seasoning and made a delicious cocktail sauce. Add a great baked potato with all the fixings (including real bacon bits) and corn and he was loving it. He has had chicken, fish and turkey for so long he was in heaven eating a steak!! Everyone else sure enjoyed the meal, too.

Today we went to church and then to visit with our mother for awhile. She did not respond to us today, but, at least we saw her. Later we went home and Tamika picked up Darionna and Will to go back home. Now we are all just resting. It's cold and dreary out so it's a good day to just rest. Have a great day in your little part of the wold wherever that might be!!

Wrought Iron Garden Furniture

I plan on freshening up my garden furniture as soon as the yellow pollen is gone. You need to prepare the pieces by wiping off all the dust and dirt. With a wire brush you need to scour all the rust spots. I will paint with a couple of coats of spray paint. Don't rush the job by spraying the paint on to heavy. Take your time and spray on a couple of coats, leaving time to dry between applications. Do it outside on a calm day. Use an old sheet, piece of cardboard, or tarp to keep paint off bottom of surface, your furniture is sitting on to be painted. Paint is a great thing to give your garden furniture a new look. Add some containers filled with flowers, greens, or even herbs. What a happy place to sit and think great thoughts...............
I have the fireplace on. It is very cold today. Normal high is 72 for this time of year. Jackie and her family were at church services. Marcy, Jackie's sister will be walking in support of cancer research. Please, if you have a chance to donated to this great cause, do it. Marcy's foot is not completely healed from a previous surgery, yet she feels motivated to walk for this great cause. People like her need our help and with more funds and prayers, hopefully a cure is found soon! Every little bit helps, even a small donation goes to a good cause. Both Jackie's and my family have been stricken by cancer. I don't know many people who have not dealt with this disease in some way. Take care!

Friday, March 28, 2008


This is something that I saw in a gardening wisdom book that I have. When buying seedlings keeps these thoughts in mind. Purchase very short plants with little or no flowers. Never purchase tall lanky, flowered plants because you'll only have to cut them back. Finally, if at all possible plant your seedlings as soon as you bring them home.

It has been a beautiful day here today and we worked outside just about all day. Bill really did a lot today and I know is going to be hurting and tired tonight and tomorrow. Marcy and I were thinking of going to Summerville to do our flea market thing this weekend, but, Bill needs to be at home after today. So we will just stay home and get some things done here. I plan to go visit with my mother some tomorrow. Now I am going to drink my little gin and olives on the rocks and go to bed. Have a great weekend!!


This is a good one. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of Epsom salts around each rosebush every spring. The magnesium in the salts enhances cell walls and plant absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur which rosebushes need.
Just can't get it together. My mind is very foggy and I need to snap out of it. I plan on getting outdoors on Saturday for some serious planting. Wish me luck and ambition. Sleep well!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Here's a recipe that was in our local paper and has a little twist on the ingredients.
6 boiled eggs, peeled and cut in half
2 tbsp plus 2 tsp mayonnaise
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp crumbled blue cheese
salt and pepper to taste
3 tbsp bacon bits for garnish
Place egg yolks in a bowl and thoroughly mash. Mix with the mayonnaise and mustard. Add the blue cheese and mash well into the mixture with a spoon. Taste, then season with salt and pepper. Fill the whites evenly with the mixture and garnish each egg half with bacon bits.
Yesterday was pretty busy. Marcy and I went to get our hair done and then I was planning on going grocery shopping. However, Bill took our other car to drop off to get repaired so I had to go pick him up. Then Marcy and I went shopping. But, Bill called in the middle of it and needed to go to Home Depot because he was in the middle of a repair and needed something. I took the car to him and since I was feeling pretty worn out then, I laid down and took a quick nap until he came back. Then Marcy, Darionna and I went back to our grocery shopping. When we finally got home (worn out) Marcy made the fixings for chicken taco while I laid down again. Bill went to a Knight's meeting and we ate and watched a movie while he was gone. When he came home he fixed him a plate and watched another movie with us.
Today I have been doing chores here and there. One thing I did was to put a new hose vent on my drier. Now I am going to fix dinner and get back to doing chores here and there. Have a great day.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Like Jackie and many other people, we don't like snakes. I read a little about them this morning and thought I would pass this on to you. The article says that snakes won't bother you unless you disturb them. I have to believe this because I never heard of a snake running after anyone. Snakes play an important part in nature, by eating mice and rats. Two creatures I don't want around. I guess I don't know who I would want in my yard or garden (snakes or rodents ) NEITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is something I plan on trying, you buy at your pharmacy call Mercaptans--this has a synthetic skunk odor. Skunks eat snakes, rats, and mice, so this smell keeps the snakes and rodents away. Unfortunately, it also keeps you far away. I think you have to decide weather to smell like skunk or have snakes and rodents around.
Plan B is to have all garbage and trash away from your garden and house if possible. If there is nothing to eat, it will discourage rodents and snakes will have to go elsewhere for their next meal. Just a thought. Smile!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I never got out of my pajamas and practically stayed in bed all day! I was really tired. Today I am all rested and ready to get back to my normal routine. The weather is a bit chilly out right now so I won't be going out to plant the herbs and pepper plants that I bought yet. One good thing is that this is not good weather for snakes. Yayyyyyy! Marcy's 2 grandkids, Darionna and Will, came back today and can help us get some of the yardwork done that needs to be done. When they were here last week Will worked hard and cleared a lot of pine straw out of the back yard. He, also, got up a lot of the branches and pine cones that were strewn about by the storms.

I'm missing Andy not being here. Every once it crosses my mind that he would be here now if he could and I get a little sad. However, I know it is best for him to be at home now.

I will be back later with a recipe or tip. Have a great day!!


I wanted to get a gardening zone to you. I don't have my scanner up yet. You can go to This will give you, your planting time for your region. I printed the information, for future reference.
I just wanted to say that using newspaper for weed blocking is cheap and does a great job around shrubs. Just leave room around the trunk/roots for watering. You should never put any type of mulch to close to any plants. This may cause rotting or decay. You have to remember that weed block topped with mulch, holds in moisture.
Our garden centers are so informative and the plants have great directions for planting and care. I just purchased Dahlias and Peony bulbs to plant. According to the package I am a little late for my zone. What is nice for the Dahlias, they bloom summer to fall and reach 36" high. I will plant on the fence line hoping for a color full show. Have a good day!

Monday, March 24, 2008


#1. Container soil must be replaced because I feel the soil gets sour. There are so many at the garden center all ready mixed with all the good blends you need to grow great plants. Makes it easy, which who doesn't like that?
#2. Garden soil must be worked up and enriched with organic matter. Compost or aged manure is the key to healthy growth.
#3. There are places to have your soil tested. A sample can be taken to a cooperative extension office or some garden centers offer this service. To find the cooperative office near you, go to
Good preparation at the beginning, is the key to enjoying any garden. Have a good day!


My weekend was very full and busy so I had no time to get online. I had a house full of family and I spent Saturday cooking and then Marcy and I went to church at 7:30pm and didn't get out until after 10:00pm. I ate my dinner when I came home. Sunday I got up and cooked brunch for those left. After brunch everyone left went over to visit with our mom, Ricky and Annie. Bill, Marcy and I went over, too. When we came back I finished cleaning the kitchen which included mopping a very dirty ceramic tile floor. At that point I made the decision that now shoes will be removed when anyone comes to my home. I had totally cleaned the floors before everyone came and when they left my floors were filthy. I figure why exasperate myself with this anymore. Now shoes are to be removed. It's done at Ricky and Annie's home and their floors always look great. Besides I am only one person trying to keep this big house clean. I am going to send an email out to the family so this won't come as a shock to them when and if they come back to visit.

I am sad to say that Andy was not able to come due to health reasons. I really am disappointed, but, I understand. He and I are usually in contact several times a day by phone or text messaging, but, it's not the same as being with him. Bill and I are still planning on going to visit Andy and Genelle when we can. One good thing is that our mom has been a little more communicative the last several days. Andy was able to talk to her when Ricky put the phone to her ear and she responded.

Bill and I finally got to see and hold our beautiful great-granddaughter. It was a hectic weekend, but, it was filled with familial love. I wouldn't have it any other way!! Have a great day!!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


My hint of the day is to relax and enjoy your day. Try not to watch the news for 2 days. Think good thoughts. On Monday I will start some very simple gardening tips. SMILE AND LAUGH THIS WEEKEND!

Friday, March 21, 2008


Here are some easy ways to decorate hard boiled eggs.......
A. Use a stamp pad set with small designs
B. Make dots with a pencil eraser and food coloring
C. Add little stickers, they won't wrinkle if small
D. Put stickers on and than dye. When dry pull off for white design
E. Draw patterns on dyed eggs with great colors
F. As kids we would dye eggs and than wrote names or write names on the egg and than dye
Have fun with the kids or just make your Easter breakfast more interesting with colored eggs.
I have company coming this afternoon, so busy cleaning. Have a good day!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Spring is finally here and I know that most people are looking forward to some peace with our weather. I am home and will be getting some tips together for posting. Thank you my dear friend Jackie, for keeping things going on the blog. My Mom is doing well for 93. I did some walking to the store because I did not have a car for a week. It was good to see, you can function without a car if there is a place to walk and the store is somewhat close. The side walks were ice covered one morning and my legs were killing me the next day because I was trying not to fall down for 20 blocks. It was a good experience not to just jump in the car and go. Hope all of you are safe and well! Have a great day............

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


This morning I decided to do my grocery shopping since it is senior citizen day at the grocery stores. I've decided to have lamb and ham for the dinner as the meats. Yummy!! Marcy went with me and we went to one grocery store and WalMart. After we took our goodies home we went to visit our mother. Today she was a little bit more alert and even got the words out to say "I love you" to us when we told her that we loved her. She even smiled a little here and there. When we were leaving Marcy was waving to her and you could see her arm move under the blanket like she was trying to wave goodbye back. Seeing her decline like this is so sad. She was only alert a fraction of the time that we were there, but, that little bit meant a lot to us. After we left there we went to another store to do a little bit more shopping. We made it home just as the rains started to pour. I bought a rotisserie chicken and made baked potatoes to go with it. That was dinner and all I was in shape to fix. Bill went to a Knight's meeting and I did some cleaning. Now I am going to go get the trash together because tomorrow is pickup day. Have a good night!!

Chris is home and we talked this morning. We did our usual laughing and talking like teenagers and loving it. I am so glad that she is back home.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Luckily our little part of the world was not hit by any of the tornadoes on Saturday. However, we did get a lot of rain and wind. Marcy and I went back to the flea market with our wares on Sunday. Things were slow, but, we still did good. Tamika, Marcy's daughter, came out and brought us some breakfast and stayed with us for the rest of the day. She is a good saleslady, too! Later that afternoon Bill, Sue and Darionna came out and stayed with us until we packed up. We wanted to go by and see the model home for the home that Tamika is having built. It is gorgeous. On the way there we got stuck in traffic on the interstate for about an hour. By the time I got back to Sue's home I was too tired to drag out my laptop. That night Bill and I sat up with Sue and Otis and had a lot of laughs. We came home yesterday, but, after the drive and cooking dinner my brain was not alert enough to compose my thoughts to put here.

Today Bill went for his checkup with his oncologist. The report was great and the numbers from his lab work from last week look great. Nothing has changed since he first had to see the doctor in 2006. He goes back to see him in six months. After that we went to drop a hammer off to Dennis that he left when he came to fix our wall. Then we went to see my mom who is slowly slipping away. She can't talk anymore, but, sometimes tries to. She, also, sleeps a lot. That is all the regression for the latter stage of Alzheimer's. It is so sad. My brother, Ricky, and my sister-in-law, Annie, are phenomenal with her care. They are the reason that she has lasted this long.
This weekend we are going to have Easter dinner on Saturday. Sue and Roxy had both said they might come here this weekend to see my mother. I figured we could just plan to have Easter dinner here and those who had to work Monday would not have to worry about traveling late on Sunday. Andy will be arriving on Sunday evening and I am so looking forward to seeing him.

Chris comes home today. Yayyyyyy!! She will be writing here in the next couple of days. Now I am going to go back to getting the house ready for this weekend. Have a great night!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Marcy, her 8-yr old granddaughter, Darionna, and I went to set up for the flea market about 5:30a.m. We found a table for us and started setting things out while it was still dark. We fumbled around and decided how we wanted to arrange things and just waited for daylight and the people to start arriving. It went slow at first and it seemed as if we were only going to sell incense and oils. However, in the afternoon things changed and we sold more. Then Sue, Otis, Bill, our grandson, Marc, Roxy and her son, Jarritte, came and bought some stuff, too. We left early because the wind started blowing hard and things started blowing off the tables. My hair was all over my head. Atlanta was hit by a tornado last night and the storms were supposedly heading in this direction. Now as we watch t.v. we see that there is a tornado watch out for this area. Hopefully, there won't be a problem and we can go out there again tomorrow.

Now I am going to sit back and relax. After dinner I am going to bed and get ready for flea marketing tomorrow, hopefully. Have a great night and an even greater rest of the weekend!!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Here is a delicious, simple recipe that I got from when I was searching for a recipe that I had seen on her show. It's almost like a rum and coke except for the lime juice added.

1/4 cup (2 oz.) dark rum
1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lime juice, plus 1 lime wedge
Coca Cola
Fill a highball glass (or like me, just a regular glass) with ice cubes. Add rum and lime juice, and top off with Coke to taste. Rub rim of glass with lime wedge, then garnish with wedge. (To serve large groups, mix batches 2 parts rum to 1 part lime juice to 4 parts Coke. Pour over ice in individual glasses, then rub rims with lime and garnish with 1 wedge per cocktail.)
Well, Marcy and I will be doing our first flea market gig tomorrow. We are really looking forward to it. We still are on the waiting list for an inside table or booth so we will be outside. If the weather is as nice as it was yesterday that will be no problem. So we are hoping that Saturday and Sunday there will be okay weatherwise. I hope I am not too tired to put my experiences on this blog tomorrow evening. It should be fun.
This evening the Knights will have an honor guard at one of the funeral homes here in honor of one of their members who has passed. He will be in full regalia and I am going to try to get a good picture before he leaves home and I will try to put it on here later. Now I have to go and get some chores done, do some packing and get ready to travel. Have a great day and a great weekend.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I have mentioned before how Chris and I love to go to Hilton Head and spend a week or a few days whenever we can. We may be going back in May for my sister, Marcy, and Chris' birthdays. In fact, some of the pictures that I have inserted at the bottom were taken there. Bill and I have a timeshare and we switch off and stay at different resorts when we go. If we don't stay at a timeshare, Dennis and Chris rent a place for the four of us to stay. Most of the resorts are laid out in gated residential communities. My favorite one to stay at is Sea Pines. The picture at the very bottom shows Bill and Dennis walking past some yachts at the marina there. I have always said that if I were ever lucky enough to have a yacht (we all know that's a pipe dream) I wanted to dock it at that marina and sit on deck sipping a drink while people strolled past. Everyone laughs at me when I have said that, but, we all have to dream sometime. Anyhow, there has been on the news lately that a couple that did live part-time on their yacht there and, also, had a home in Atlanta have disappeared. For some reason I feel the need to ask you all to say a prayer for them. A "person-of-interest" to the police regarding their disappearance suddenly committed suicide. He needs our prayers, also. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Thank you, Dennis!! The pipe is fixed, the wall is fixed and Bill enjoyed it all. He always did love doing any kind of fixing and making things. He really enjoyed spending the time with Dennis.

Also, check out the posting that I put in a few days ago about our new great-granddaughter. Our daughter, Sue (the proud grandmother), put in pictures of Jasmine and Quentin, Jr.

Now I am going to get ready for bed and watch Big Brother After Dark on Showtime. I know, I'm crazy. Have a restful night. Oh, I talked to Chris this morning and she is not enjoying the WI weather at all and will be glad to get back to the warmth. Of course, she will miss her mom and other family, though. I don't know how we ever lived up North because I can't bear cold weather now.


Dennis and Bill are downstairs working on the wall now and thank God it is not as extensive as Bill thought. The pipe is definitely leaking, but, was easily repaired. The whole wall doesn't have to be replaced, just a large patch of dry wall. Then the cabinet has to be put back up. I have ordered pizza for them to take a break in awhile. Plus Bill can show Dennis his wrestling game on his Wii. Chris bought Dennis a Wii for Christmas and he enjoys the games he has. Like I mentioned before, Bill fell in love with the wrestling game after he played with it at Ricky's. This might happen with Dennis, too. I must admit, it can be addicting. Anyhow, now I am going to go do some housework before the pizza get here so I can sit down and enjoy the pizza with them.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Yep, you read the header right. It's a good combination. One year my brother, Ricky, came home for a visit from London and told me about a new twist on a tequila shot. I tried it and I liked it! Whenever we have a family gathering myself, my daughters (they are way grown), my sisters d0 tequila shots. It's like a tradition or something. Bill and Otis never would do it with us so it was just us girls. Now a couple of the nephews join us. But, they couldn't until they were grown. One time Dennis, Chris', husband made some habanero sauce and gave me a beautiful bottle with some in it. Well, this one time Roxy made the shots and used the habanero sauce and used a LOT!! We didn't know it. My problem was that I was having one of my esophageal episodes where food and drink don't go easily down my esophagus. Well, this POTENT shot stayed in my throat. I thought I was going to die because I couldn't talk or anything. I just went upstairs and laid across my bed until I was better. No one knew what was wrong and when I came back downstairs they were shocked when I told them what happened. I made it through and we never use habanero sauce again. Only Tabasco.

I haven't been on in awhile because my brain has been so worn out trying to get my pda to hotsync to the computer right. According to the Help Forum administrator with the website I did something wrong in the beginning. Even though I followed the directions exactly. No where in the immediate instructions was there any reference to what to do if you are upgrading your device. My mind is so boggled. And believe me, it doesn't take much to boggle it! Anyhow, now I am going to go try to win some money playing games on and then go to bed. Dennis is coming in the morning to help Bill figure out where the leak in our kitchen wall is coming from and how it is going to get fixed. Before Bill had his strokes he would have had it all done by now, torn out the wall and put it back up and all. As usual, Dennis, like Chris, is our lifesaver. Have a pleasant night.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


And thank you for our new gorgeous great-granddaughter, Jasmine Amyah born Thursday, 3/6. She is a beautiful additional link in our large family chain which we are so thankful for. We are so blessed to have a large and loving family. Thank you again. Bill and I can't wait to hold her in our arms!!!

Yesterday I was absent from our little blog because I was under the weather again. Sorry. Today I am going to put in a delicious brunch punch.

8 cups strong brewed coffee
2 tsps unsweetened cocoa powder
4 tbsp brown sugar
3 cups skim milk
Combine all ingredients in blender and process briefly. Chill and serve over crushed ice.
Makes 10 servings.
Today the weather here is pretty bad so I am not going out unless I have to. The wind is blowing awfully hard so that means a lot of tree branches and pine cones are going to be everywhere when it's all over. So we will have some cleaning up to do after church tomorrow, I am sure.
My brother, Andy, is coming to visit for awhile in a couple of weeks and I can't wait. He is coming so he can spend time with our mother and I will be so glad to have him here. Bill really enjoys him, too.
Now I am going to get off of here and see if I can get my new pda up to speed. Have a great day and stay safe and warm. Enjoy your weekend and tell your loved ones that you love them!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


This recipe I got from a copy of Oprah's magazine. It was created by Aqua Vitae, Los Angeles.

2 oz. vodka

2 oz. strong green tea

1 oz. fresh lemon juice

1/4 tsp grated fresh ginger

Lime or Lemon wheel


1/2 cup water

1/2 cup sugar

In a shaker , combine vodka, tea (cooled), lemon juice, ginger and syrup (see below). Shake and strain into a tall glass with ice. Garnish with lime or lemon wheel.

TO MAKE SYRUP: Mix equal parts - about 1/2 cup of each - sugar and water in a saucepan over low heat; stir until sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes.

This drink sounds great to me and I am definitely going to make it. The Bloody Bull that Chris put in is one of my favorites, too. She left today to go be with her mom for awhile, but, we will stay be in touch with each other.

Tuesday was a busy day for me because there were chores I wanted to get done before Bill, Marcy and I went to pay our respects to the family of a church member who had passed. It just so happened that when we left for the funeral home the rain came in buckets. Even with umbrellas we were quite wet when we went in. But, there was no way that we were not going to go. Yesterday we went to the funeral and Bill and some of the Knights were honorary pallbearers. From the funeral we went to the cemetary and then to the Knights hall were a meal was served. After that we went home so Bill could change out of his tux and we could go to a local department store for some clothes for him. A fantastic sale was going on and he did find some things he wanted. By the time we got home I was beat. However, my new Palm TX pda had arrived and I had to set it up. Things didn't go smoothly and I did not do anything but work on that until I went to bed. My mind and body were exhausted by the time my head hit the pillow. Today I did several loads of wash and cooked dinner and worked again on a problem I am having with my pda. Now I am going to bed because I have to have him at the Knight's lodge in the morning so he can meet up with the guys that he goes with to visit the patients at one of the VA hospitals. By the time he gets home he is so exhausted and his legs and feet are killing him. But he loves it. He wouldn't miss it for the world. Have a good night and I sure plan to.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Jackie and I have been very lucky to attend the Master's Golf Tournament over the years. Unfortunately they change the rules to obtain tickets, you have to be lucky to have your application drawn. That of course has not happen for my family in years. The tickets available are only for Monday through Wednesday. If you want to get the badges for Thursday through Sunday, you would need $500 plus for one badge or know someone in high places. There was a time when we first moved here, you could get practice round (Wednesday) tickets for $11.00. I saw Tiger Woods play, he was very young. We all sent our applications for this years play, NO LUCK....
Here is a drink recipe from a cook book published in 1977. Tea Time at the Masters. I was Lucky to find it. My memory does not tell me where or when.
1 qt tomato juice
1 10 1/2 ounce can beef bouillon
1 Teaspoon salt
1/2 Teaspoon pepper
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire
1/4 Teaspoon Tabasco
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
Dash MSG
Dash celery seed
Combine all ingredients and chill. Put a LARGE JIGGER of vodka or gin over ice in a glass and add above mixture. Yeilds 8-10 (6-8 ounce) servings.
Garnish with celery stalks with leaves attached.
I leave very early in the morning. I hate to fly but need to help out with my Mom. If I get to a computer, I will check in. I hope everyone stays safe and well. I will have gardening tips when I return. Thanks to all who support Jackie and I and friends who help us out with tips. We really enjoy talking to you daily!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Ever since I first tried this several months ago, I love it. First I mixed cayenne pepper in a container of Margarita salt. After that I took a lime wedge and ran it around the rim of my glass. I then took the rim and dipped it in the salt mixture. Then I squeezed the remaining juice from the wedge into the glass and dropped the wedge in. I then shook in some Worcestershire sauce and some Tabasco sauce (to taste). Pour in the beer and enjoy. Sounds goofy, but, so very tasty!!

Today is going to be a quick little blurb from me. We are getting ready to go to the funeral home to visit with the family of our church member that passed last week. Tomorrow is the funeral and the Knights are going to be honorary pallbearers. Now I have to run to the cleaners and get Bill's shirts from the cleaners. Have a great evening!


Stepper Cocktail
1 Brandy (shot glass)
1 Creme de Menthe
Ice-Stir. Strain and serve.

3 Brandy
1 Creme de Menthe
Ice--Stir. Strain and serve

Side Car
1 Brandy
1 Curacao
1 Cointreau
Maraschino juice, 2 dashes
Serve and enjoy.

Side Car Cocktail
2 Brandy
1 Lemon juice
1 Cointreau
Ice--Stir. Strain into cocktail glass with a sugar coated edge and serve.

Last but not least--Southern Mint Julep
3-4 Tablespoons of simple syrup ( recipe in existing file)
Add fresh mint and crush to extract flavor.
Add 3 ounces Brandy.
Ice--Stir until frost appears on glass. Add fresh mint, sprinkle with powder sugar. Add a dash of Rum. Serve!
I see that Marcy and Jackie are out having a treat without me, thanks. Those two girls really get around. Storms are on the way and lets pray no one gets hurt. Be safe out there!

Monday, March 3, 2008


In a "Food Cures" book is stated that recent research now proves that peanut butter is actually very good for you. It's healthy monounsaturated fat - eaten as the main fat in a sensible diet - can lower your risks for heart disease and diabetes. And even help you lose weight! So why not try this delicious healthy drink that is quick and easy to fix. In a blender, whip together 1 cup fat-free milk, 1 small ripe banana, 2 tbsp. toasted wheat germ, and 2 tbsp. peanut butter.

We sure didn't eat very healthy today. I guess it's like taking a day off. Bill, Marcy and I had several errands to run this afternoon. One happened to be near Ferrando's Italian Pizzeria which I had heard had great pizza and I had never tried it before. Marcy had been there before and Ricky had told me a few days ago how great their pizza is. We ended up there after a few more errands. And we didn't stop there. Marcy was a bad influence and we went next door to the Marble Slab Creamery for some ice cream. Yummmmy!! We'll get back on the right track tomorrow. Now I am resting and letting all that food digest. I should be exercising, but, that is not going to happen!! Anyhow, goodnight and may you have a peaceful night.


1 cup cranberry-cherry juice
1 cup seltzer
1/2 cup Alize' Red Passion ( French cognac and cranberry )
1/2 cup vodka
1 tablespoon fresh lime
1 tablespoon Simple Syrup
Fresh cranberries for garnish
Combine all ingredients except cranberries in pitcher. Pour into glasses filled with ice and garnish with the fresh cranberries, if desired.
If you can't find the cognac, use a substitute. I am sure it will be just great. I will be off to Wisconsin on Thursday, to care my Mother. I will not be around a computer for 12 days. I am sure Jackie will keep things new and fresh while I am gone. I plan on doing some more outside tips investigating. Spring is almost here and not soon enough for everyone, I am sure. Have a good afternoon.....

Sunday, March 2, 2008


My dear friend, Chris, is having an awful problem with a blocked ear. She has tried several things which haven't worked. I looked in a folk remedy book that I have and found this recipe that I hope helps her. When congestion is backing up into your ears, try some horseradish, mustard, ginger, peppermint, or garlic to help clear your head. Take 1/2 teaspoon of horseradish or mustard and spread it on 3 or 4 thin slices of ginger or garlic. Then wash the concoction down with a cup of peppermint tea. The good part is that there are no chemicals involved. When we were at church today she couldn't hear well out of her right ear so I really hope this helps her. She might have waited too long for it to work, though, and might have to go to a doctor.

Bill is still recuperating from yesterday so I told him he needed to stay home from church today and just rest. He did look better when he got up this afternoon. After church Marcy and I went to the next town to go to an Oriental market that several of us go to for our East Asian food products. Then we went to a gas station which is supposed to be one that has the most lottery winners in Georgia. By the time we got home we were pooped and ready to relax. I wanted to go see our mom, but, I still have a little cough. Now I am going to watch Oprah's Big Give and then get ready for bed. Have a great night!!!!


Note: To make lemon curls, use a paring knife to cut strips 1/4 inch wide. Wrap them around a chopstick for at least 30 seconds. This will be your garnish.
2 cups Earl Grey tea chilled
1/2 cup Simple Syrup (RECIPE IN THE LAST POST)
6 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, plus lemon curls for garnish
1/4 cup rum
In a pitcher, combine all ingredients except lemon curls. Pour into glasses filled with ice. Garnish with peel.
Have a good Sunday afternoon!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Today is my oldest granddaughter's birthday. I love you, honey.

1 jigger dark rum
1 jigger light rum
splash of triple sec
1 oz. coco lopez
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 large ripe banana
Pour into blender with one cup crushed ice. Blend for 60 seconds. Garnish with grated bittersweet chocolate.
This weekend there was a middle school basketball tournament held at several middle schools in our town. The Knights that Bill belongs to helped to run the events. He volunteered to be a manager at one of the schools and he recruited my brother, Ricky, and one of the Knights, Ernst, to help him. He did not know all that it entailed and was really overwhelming for him. When I read the list of duties and things he was responsible for to Chris yesterday, we were worried for him. This morning Chris called me and we decided to go over and see if we could help out. We helped a bit, but, they really were okay. We could tell, though, that it was rough on Bill. When Ricky brought him home he was exhausted. I am so glad that Ricky was with him, though.
My nephew, Stevie, and his girlfriend came last Saturday to visit and are going back to Pittsburgh tomorrow. We have really enjoyed having him here and will hate to see him leave. It's been nice having him here in the house.
Tomorrow will be my first time to church in 3 weeks and I will be glad to go. So I am going to bed to get some rest since I had to get up with Bill at 5:30 this morning. Have a good night!


My youngest daughter, Jackee, and my 2nd oldest grandson, Marc, both had birthdays on 2/24. When Marc was born Jackee claimed him as her birthday present for her 10th birthday. Naturally I talked to them both on their birthdays, but, didn't post a greeting here because that was one of the days that I haven't written since I was recuperating.


Hello--sticking with the drink theme over the last couple of days. First I will give you the simple syrup recipe and than a very cool drink, the perfect pear. The simple syrup will be used with tomorrows recipes too.

Simple Syrup
Makes 2 cups
In a small saucepan. combine 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water. Cook over medium heat, stirring until sugar is dissolved and mixture comes to a boil. Chill before using, it will stores up to 2 months in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Prefect Pear Drink
Makes 4 servings
3/4 cup Simple Syrup
1/2 cup pear-flavored vodka
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
1/2 pear, cut into 4 slices
In a pitcher, combine syrup, vodka, juice, and ice. Strain into glasses containing pear slices.
More tomorrow, sleep well!