Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Another tip for removing blood stains

I was talking to my other sister-friend, P.J., who lives in Vegas. We have, also, been friends for over 20 years and are definitely like sisters. I met her, also, in the Philippines. Her family was already living there when my family arrived. Chris and her family came a bit after that. P.J.'s family left the P.I. earlier than we did because they changed paths to go into the restaurant business and opened a Burger King in Kingman, AZ. We have remained very close friends throughout. The things we have experienced and been through is another story so I will just leave it at that. Anyhow, I was telling her about what Chris and I are doing and she gave me another tip for removing blood stains that she says works great, also.

Rinse the spot in cold water. Pour meat tenderizer on the area and rub in. If the spot is not too old, it should rinse right out. If it has been washed and gone through the drier, it might take several tries but it will come out. Meat tenderizer breaks down protein so that is why it works.

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