Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Zach Thornton's: Option B: An Educator's Story

Zach Thornton's: Option B: An Educator's Story: "'Dr. Luck' and Dr. Luck on Black History Hero Day During Black History Month this year, Dr. Phillip Luck invited his stu..."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hi, there, all!! Long time, no write, huh? Sorry, but, my life has been hectic. But, then again isn't everyone's? However, Bill, my sister, Marcy, and I volunteer at The Benefit Bank and that took up a bit of extra time around Christmas. It's great helping out, though, and I love it. Bill and I, also, now take care of the Resale Shop that our church runs. The money raised is used to help the needy in the parish and surrounding communities. We get great donations of anything and everything and sell it all at a very, very reasonable price. However, those that are in need don't have to pay for anything.

But, I digress. I wanted to mention that we went to FL to visit our daughter, Jackee, and her two kids over the holiday. She turned us on to this great company, MPB Today, that she is involved in and we joined. I posted her blog info and all the info on the company can be found there. Also, the link to our web page is listed with this post. Take a look and see if it is for you and make some money. My favorite income from it is the $200 WalMart gift card that you can get over and over again! I think everywhere I have traveled just about, I have visited a WalMart there. Anyhow, do yourself a favor and check it out. This might be what you are looking for. Our website is www.mpbtoday.com/billandjackie.

Now I am going to clean the kitchen and get ready to watch NCIS and then go to bed. Tomorrow morning is one of the days we volunteer at the Benefit Bank. Have a great, peaceful sleep tonight. God bless.