Friday, November 14, 2008


Well I got a new scanner, so I plan on learning to operate it and start giving you some oldie but goody Christmas Cookies recipes. It will help because I am a very slow typer. I should of paid more attention in typing class years ago. Do they even offer typing class in high school anymore? I will have to go through the file from last Christmas, so I do not give repeats. I plan on starting these tasty treat recipes on the 5Th of December. The 5Th is the night we used to hang our stockings up. St. Nick came and brought us goodies if we were good or coal and maybe a potato or two if not so good. Those were the days. BE SAFE!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Well, it is finally over and now all the hard work begins. We now have a president-elect with great idea's and have to come together and support him. I wonder how many people realize that he is both black and white, we must give his mother credit too. Americans have new hope, give TOTAL SUPPORT and together we will be ONE NATION. That is what the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE is all about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope all your days are going well. The weather will be great today, so I need to finish the cleaning of the shed. I have put it off to long.
Please be safe and have a good day..........


That is a quote from Chris, so I can't take credit for it. It is what she said to me yesterday when I talked to her. Since he is bi-racial we have a black and a white president -the best of both worlds! I didn't get a chance to get online and write yesterday because I was quite busy. I stayed up late watching the election and results and ChaCha'ing. The next morning I got up and had to go grocery shopping since I had not been shopping in over a week. Then since I had laid in bed about a week, my hair was a mess. So I had to go to the salon that afternoon. Then I watched my ex-daughter-in-law's 2 year old son (who is really like our grandson) while she attended the wake of her maternal grandmother. On top of all of that, the bothersome germ that is evidently still lurking in my body flared up yesterday evening. After she picked him up I went to bed, but, I couldn't get to sleep until after 4a.m. Now I'm back up because Bill and I are going to her grandmother's funeral this morning.

Anyhow, congratulations to President-elect Obama! I never thought the day would come during my lifetime that the U.S. would have a black president. I still remember the awful things we personally went through during the Civil Rights days. Most of it, of course, we experienced as we traveled to and from Louisiana and Texas every other summer. But, still we experienced some growing up in Pittsburgh. A lot of it because my brother and I were about the only blacks in our school and kids can be mean. We survived, though, because we had a strong father and mother who we saw survive things. A great new world is opening for the U.S. and the world and I am glad that I am here to see the beginning.

Now, I better go get ready to start the day. I hope you all have a fantastic day!!

Monday, November 3, 2008


I know it's been awhile since I have been on. But, like Chris, I wanted to urge everyone to get out to vote. Remember, this is our future we are voting for. In that light I say, don't vote for someone because he is black or he is white. Vote for the one that you BELIEVE will help our struggling economy, ward off our attackers, help to secure a livable future for the next generation, etc. Remember, in this equation we, also, have to put the V.P. candidate. Because, God forbid, if something were to happen to the President, the V.P. is the one to take our country's future in their hands.

While watching Good Morning America this morning I heard of a website called & went there. I was able to bring up my voting registration information which showed where I go to vote amongst other things. Besides that there is a lot of great info on that site. From that site I found another site called that has a lot of good info on it. You put in your zipcode & you can check on every candidate that will be on the ballot.

I have been down the last week or so with a virus that seems to not want to leave my body. But, I will be out there voting tomorrow. Bill is doing good lately and he will be out there with me along with my sister, Marcy. I hope the lines won't be too long.

Things have been going along okay here. I had a little scare with Bill, but, everything is okay now. Now I have to get ready for our annual Thanksgiving at our home. The family starts coming the Wednesday before & stay until Sunday. Friday we just recuperate from Thursday & then Saturday a bunch of us go to Salley, SC for the annual Chitlin' Strut.

Last week I got the awful news that my friend Faye's brother had been hit by a car and killed. Later that day I got the news that my sweet Uncle Randy had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Please include them and their families in your prayers. Thank you.

I am still doing my ChaCha job & loving it. It is such a great way of making a little extra cash from the comfort of your home. In fact, one of the days that I was bedridden I did it from bed. There is another company starting the same type of service with a little different twist that I am going to check out, too. I am on their list to apply when they have their applications ready.

Have a great day!! If you have to, check those voting websites I mentioned and check on your candidates. Not just President and Vice President, but, all candidates you are voting for. Then get out and VOTE! Then pray for the elected candidate every single day because he has a long, hard job ahead of him & our future in his hands!