Wednesday, September 17, 2008


If you suffer from heartburn, here is a good tip that I got from a home remedy book. It's very simple: DRINK WATER WITH YOUR MEALS! Drinking water will wash the stomach acids from the surface of the esophagus and back into your stomach. The saliva that you swallow with the water will help neutralize the acid. Simple, huh? I will make sure I drink a lot of water with my meals now.

Things have been hectic lately and I haven't been on the computer much except to ChaCha and maybe check email. Bill has been having some health problems that we have been dealing with and I have been ChaCha'ing a lot. Gotta get that extra money in the pocket. Since Bill fell his arm has given him a lot of trouble. I took him to the doctor for that and after more x-rays it is believed he just has a bad sprain. He, also, has not had any energy or has felt like doing anything, but, sleeping. When he missed going to the V.A. with the Knights for his volunteer service, I knew he was really feeling bad. Because he would go no matter how much his legs and feet hurt when he got home from there. On Monday the doctor put him on a narcolepsy medicine to help him stay woke during the day. I almost passed out when I picked the medicine up from the pharmacy and found out it was over $300 for a month's supply.! Yesterday was his first day taking it and he was woke all day. He still didn't have much energy, but, he was woke. He said he thought for over $10 a pill he would be running around the house. Now we just have to see how he slept last night. He has been using his CPAP mask and hopefully slept good last night.

Jackee is moving to Florida today and starting a new job. She came over on Sunday to spend time with us before she goes. I made a big pot of gumbo and the family that lives in this town came over to say goodbye. I didn't think I would cry when she left because the drive to FL is only a little over 7 hours. Just 6 more hours to get to her than when she lived in SC because she only lived an hour away from us. But, I cried. She is such a sweet person and I am so happy for her because she is doing what she has been wanting to do for a long time. Dominique is looking forward to moving because she loves FL, too. Tyler is not so much into it. I told him his mom went through the same thing at his age because that's how old she was when we moved to the Philippines.

We have a lot of family in TX and LA that were affected by Ike. We have relatives in League City, San Antonio, Galveston and Beaumont, TX. In LA we have family in Opelousas and that is where we buried my mother in April. My cousin that lives in League City did not evacuate with her family because she said they had been through Cat 3's before and made it. Plus she has several medical problems that would hamper their leaving. When Ike started hitting Andy called me and we watched the storm on Andy then called our cousin and started giving her reports because her power was out by then. That sweet man was on the phone with her every 15 minutes giving her reports all night long until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. It was a blessing to my cousin she said because they had no contact with outside and had no idea what was going on. When the calm of the eye came over them it lasted for 2 hours. She said she had never been in one where the eye lasted that long. At a point she thought it was over since it was so long. Then she got the call from my brother saying that the back end of the eye would be hitting there in 30 minutes. Sure enough, it hit and was worst than the front end! Surprisingly, they did not sustain much damage. Thank God.

I am going with Chris and 2 other friends, Mary and Debbie, to see The Women this afternoon. I am looking forward to an afternoon with the girls. Marcy can't go because she is working an afternoon shift today. Friday Marcy, Chris, possibly Bill and I are going to an arts festival. The Philippines is being featured and we are looking forward to going and getting some great Filipino food. Plus there are going to be Filipino dancers Friday evening.

Well, I am going to sign off now and do a little ChaCha'ing then go do some chores. I have things I want to get done before I'm off for the movie. Have a great day!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Hello to all and good thoughts to all that are going through VERY BAD WEATHER! Been outside doing the lawn. I have 5 acres to cut and trim. I remember the days when I had a 9 year old helper named Jerry. He helped do the yard for at least 5 years. We had a lot of trees at that time. Pine cones, sticks, and straw were a weekly pick up. My helper is now in his late 20's and I miss him a lot. He was a hard worker and a great kid. Time really gets away from you, where does it go?

Use baby powder to untangle those knots. Sprinkle the chain with the powder and start unraveling the tangles. The powder lubricates the chain and loosens the knots.

Jackie and I will see that new movie out *The Women*. We hope to get a few friends and family together for the viewing. Get a group together and have a few laughs and time with friends. It is always good to laugh. Have a good day!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Here's a great tip for all of us headache sufferers. Heat a few tbsp of salt in a dry frying pan until it's hot, but, not too hot to touch. Pour the salt into a thick, clean sock or a cloth bag. Then hold it to the back of your head (yes, even though you feel the throbbing pain in the front), and rub. The draw heat should draw the pain right out.

Looks like Hanna is not going to have an impact on our families in Summerville, thank God. We had thought tthere would be a mandatory evacuation. There was just the suggestion of evacuation so they all stayed. Now if Ike decides to veer in their direction looks like he is not playing and they will have to come here. We are prepared.

Today Marcy, Chris and I went to an annual crafts fair that is held outdoors downtown. Marcy's son, Tony, and his friend, Joey, went with us. Tony and Joey had come back from Summerville yesterday to help Bill with some stuff around the house. That is so sweet of them. We walked around and checked things out for awhile and then decided to go to lunch at a Cuban restaurant downtown. Our friend, Debbie, met us there and we had an enjoyable lunch outdoors. Afterwards we walked around a bit more to get Bill a funnel cake and went home. It was starting to get crowded and hot so it was time to go.

Sadly, my nephew, Slade, left to go to back to Phoenix to live. His mother is there and so is Andy so he will have family there. He will be staying with his mom until he gets on his feet. Marcy and I took him to go pick up his ticket and then brought him back to the house and we ate until it was time for him to depart. We took him back for his departure and waited until he pulled out. We both felt bad seeing him go and wish things could have worked out so he could stay. However, we think that being with his mom right now is a good thing right now. Anyhow, our prayers are with him in the move. No matter what happens amongst family, we should all remember that we are all a part of each other.

Now I am going to do some chacha=ing and then go to bed. Have a fantastic night!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Monday night we got the bad news that our 5 month old great-granddaughter had to go to the E.R. because she couldn't keep anything down. To make a long story short, ultra-sound showed that part of her bowel had collapsed into another part. She had laproscopic surgery and came through like a trooper and is doing great now. You can believe quite a few tears were shed on my part because I couldn't be there with her, but, I knew she was in good hands with her grandma and grandfather. Plus her parents got to Summerville from Atlanta as quick as possible. They had left Jasmine and Quentin, Jr. with Sue and Otis for a few days because Sue and Otis wanted grandparent time. All is great now and we are all happy.

This weekend Tamika, Will, Mia and Darionna came to visit. Marcy, Chris and I had plans on doing our flea market bit Saturday and Mia and Darionna are Marcy and my little helpers. We each did a little sales, but, it was as hot as Hades and we were under roofs. We were glad to pack up and go home. But, we will be back out there again because it is fun. That afternoon Aaritt and his family came and we had a full house. Which is the typical Jr. Luck style. For some of us, that is. He is such a great help to Bill and always has been such a sweet kid. If they lived closer and gas wasn't so high, I know that he would be here more often to help Bill. I wish we had more nephews or grandsons like him, I'll tell you that. They left Sunday afternoon after he finished doing yardwork with Tamika's son, Will. I went to bed and laid down for awhile and fell asleep. I woke up to great food smells. Tamika was cooking a great dinner and, boy, did we eat. Even my niece, Rikki, who goes to college here came over with her roommate to eat. Later we watched some movies and then went to bed.

Before going to bed, though, I was on the phone a lot with Ricky and Andy checking on our family in LA and TX who were being affected by Gustav. Some had to evacuate. Thank goodness all are doing okay.

My ink remover tip is if the material is still wet with the ink, saturate it with lemon juice and wash with your regular detergent.

Now I am going to do a little chacha-ing and then go to bed. Be safe if you are in Gustav's path and pray for everyone affected by him. It looks like the next one could make the way up the FL, GA & SC coast. If that happens, our Summerville family will have to evacuate possibly. So I better start to stock up for the onslaught of evacuees. Well, we have a few more days to see what the deal is. Goodnight and be safe!!!